Thursday, June 16, 2016

#AWHONN2016  Day 3

The day started out with a great panel discussion about Nurses Leading Change and Improving Outcomes.  All nurses lead change efforts and are responsible for improving outcomes in their practice.  We can not stay stagnant in our practice as things are changing every day as new evidence comes into play, we must be the ones to help implement this evidence into our daily practice!

The next session I attended was about Second Stage Labor Management and Promoting the Safety of the Mother and the Fetus.  Great information about what to look for in the second stage with the mother as she is pushing to assist her to birthing her baby and what to look for on the Electronic Fetal Monitor during this important time.

Rocky Mountain High:  Weeding through the Issues of Marijuana Legalization was a great session by colleagues from Colorado.  They gave us many insights into what the birthing hospitals are dealing with in regards to mothers who use marijuana (legal to do so) and the birth of their babies (who may now be positive for marijuana upon their birth).  Are they reported to Child Protective Services?  How are they dealt with?  Important ethical issues to know about.

I had seen my friends Catherine Ruhl (New Mexico) and Paris Maloof-Bury (California) earlier in the day.  We had been talking about the importance of labor support and discussing how we wished there was a way to show nurses how important they are to mothers in providing labor support.  This is a big deal as it also could potentially decrease the need for a cesarean birth.  We know it is important to help women have an empowered birth.  We decided to meet up after lunch and discuss the possibility of submitting a proposal to speak at the AWHONN Convention in 2017. You see, when you go to the AWHONN Convention, you are so inspired to do more.  So the three of us sat and brainstormed ideas!!  So many stopped by the table and cheered us on as we were brainstorming!  Dodi Gauthier, Cathy Ivory, Clinton Kenon, Robyn D'Oria, Mimi Pomperleau and others!  In the end, we had the draft of what we will send into AWHONN for a possible session in New Orleans!  We will work together over the next few months on this submission!

My next session was Implementation of the 4 Ps (Patience and Positioning for Physiologic Progress) for safe Second Stage Labor Care.  Another excellent session!   What I took away from this one is that we should reconsider the use of the indwelling Foley catheter for all patients laboring with an epidural.  That is something I am definitely going to bring back to my team.  Decreasing CAUTI (Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections) is a big deal for hospitals, and this is one reason to do this, but also the fact that it can actually interfere with second stage.  Patience.... Knowing the importance of it and when to give the woman time to birth her baby.  

There was a movie time for the last session.  Dark Side of the Full Moon was the movie. This movie was excellent. It highlights the issue of postpartum depressive disorders. I want to get my hands on the DVD so I can share it with our team.  It was powerful!

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