Day 2
I went to a terrific talk about using Glucose Gel for neonates with Hypoglycemia today. Why is this important? It can prevent babies having to go to the Special Care Nursery/Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery to get IVs! It can help a mother to keep her baby in her room and continue to successfully breastfeed without her baby having artificial milk/nipples. Breastfeeding is a very important thing to me and keeping mothers with their babies is my goal! This one will definitely be coming back to my hospital with me.
Another session I went to was about how breastfeeding impacts mothers and nurses during the night shift. I got some interesting ideas in this session too! Resting during the day can impact the night time breastfeeding success especially on the second night...What one hospital did was change the name from Quiet Time to Family Bonding Time. As always skin to skin was brought up as very important for baby and mothers.
I went to a session on Infant Metabolic Screens and learned from people at State Laboratories how they are improving the turn around time from collection sample through delivery at the state lab to getting the results out to parents to babies getting into treatment. HUGE impact on babies lives.
So, this is what I learned on day two! BUT, there was also fun! President's Party was a lot of dancing fun!!
BUT the coolest thing was being able to see a photograph from MY HOSPITAL on the cover of an AWHONN publication! Here is a picture of me with my friend Shirley Piccard from Rhode Island. I chose this picture because you see, it was Shirley who sent me a copy of a video from her facility and it started the whole Gentle Cesarean movement at Cape Coral which made it possible for us to put the triplets skin to skin in the Operating Room! I am so proud of my team! Thank you Shirley and Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island for sharing with us!
To My Team: I also found some really cool drapes that I am bringing home to my team to look at and we may be able to make Skin to Skin in the OR even better for our mothers and families!
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