Sunday, April 21, 2019

Going Up?

In the last few months I have been working in a new role and my office has moved from the second floor to the fifth floor.  In my role as Director of the Family Birth Place, my side of the building only has two floors.  It is pretty easy to make conversation with people going up to the Family Birth Place.  I looked for new dads with their "baby" bracelet on their arm and say, "So you have a new baby, how exciting!"  They would typically say yes, and tell me if they had a boy or a girl or twins!  I could comment about how tired they looked and tell them how to get some sleep today.  If it was someone without a bracelet they typically carry flowers or gifts and the same conversations would happen.

But, now, I am in the main part of our hospital and my office is on the fifth floor.  It is rare that I ride the elevator all alone and I have noticed that people want to talk on the elevator.  After I say what floor are you going to, they want to talk.   Even if it is a smile and saying hello, how are you doing today?   I haven't ever met someone who didn't want to talk on the elevator.  Connection.   It is a good thing.   If they are totally lost, I can stop what I am doing and walk them to where they need to go.  We call it 10-5 Connect.  

This led to a new idea that I am looking into.   Putting a volunteer on our elevators just for this purpose, to connect with families and visitors riding up the elevators.   <after all, as much as I would like, I can't spend my whole day riding the elevators to make this connection>   It is the little things that make a difference when you work in a  health care facility.   

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