Saturday, August 6, 2016

World Breastfeeding Week!

Yesterday we hosted the Big Latch On at our facility.  It was our fourth year participating and our third year hosting.  We always have had the most mothers at our location out of all the locations in SW Florida.  This event is fun because we get to see the women and the babies that have been delivered at our hospital.  (and some of them are getting big!)  Looking at all those healthy babies and mothers makes me proud of getting mothers and babies off to the best possible start by all the hard work our team does to make breastfeeding successful for these families.  Food is medicine and this begins right from the start with our newborns receiving breast milk from their mothers.
But, seeing these women who have also formed bonds through our weekly breastfeeding support group was exciting too.  They have found each other and are now supporting each other through this parenting journey.  Breastfeeding is not always easy.  But it becomes easier with a community of support.  I am proud of Cape Coral for providing this support!  Normalize breastfeeding.  Give a mom a high five if you see her nursing in public!
Here is a link to a video taken from yesterday by the News Press.  It shows some of our wonderful participants!   
Breastfeed with Pride Moms!
You are simply AMAZING!

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