Happy Birth Day
Thirty nine years ago today I entered the "Torture Chamber" as my sister and I called it years later, a hospital in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, because I was in labor. The first nurse I encountered asked "Have you had any experience with enemas?" I explained to her I had experience giving them and not getting them.... and that was where it went down hill....My husband and I had taken the "mandatory" childbirth classes offered at this hospital so that he could stay with me and we wanted to have a natural childbirth. So, after the also "mandatory" enema, I was supposed to have the "mandatory" shave. I told them no, I was not going to have that. Then I was placed into a labor room which by today's standards looked like an ICU room. All glass windows, placed on a stretcher, looking out at the nurses station where they "watched" their laboring patients. Many hours passed where they checked me, and when they did, they kicked my husband out to the waiting room <after all, he had never seen that part of me before>. They would then forget to tell him to come back in so I was left for long periods of time by myself laying on my back on my stretcher. Nothing to eat or drink of course, not an ice chip, not a sip of water..... and after many hours in came one of the physician's wives. How did I know this was a physician's wife? She had a mink coat on. One of the hazards of delivering in the holiday times is the goodies that are brought in for the staff, especially when you have to watch through the window and do not get to eat. This physician's wife brought them some homemade brownies..... and what I would have done for a taste of that brownie!! Hours pass.... and it is time to push. They take me to the Delivery Room <looks like an Operating Room> every one is gowned up and sterile with masks on including my husband. They put a Saddle Block in Now and decide I am needing to deliver quickly Now...so out come the forceps and a 4th degree episiotomy.... and out comes my daughter... Holly......"wait, I want to hold my baby!".... "No, she has to go over here to get cleaned up and then to the Nursery".... "Come on Dad, you come with us....." "Is something wrong with her?" "No she is fine, Healthy and Fine!" AND, I am alone again..... Wait! What just happened??? Where is my baby? When can I see her? Tomorrow???? It is only 5:30 PM.... Can I walk to where she is??? NO.... Tomorrow..... In that hospital at that time we were "allowed" to take exactly one photograph of our own baby for the entire three days we were in the hospital. Oh and I am in a semi-private room with no husband and no baby in the room either.
Some people ask why I do what I do, why do I want women to be given choices in their births. I think it probably stems back to this experience in the Torture Chamber.....I had two more births after this and I got it right with my subsequent births. So Happy Birthday Holly! 39 years was a long time ago and a lot of things are much improved now! I will keep striving to make it better for all women.